Membuat Flash Slideshow dengan PHP

Terdapatnya animasi flash dalam sebuah website merupakan salah satu nilai lebih. Keragaman efek yang dapat disajikan adalah kekuatan utama dan letak keistimewaan animasi flash. Tak jarang website-website komersial yang menampilkan banyak animasi iklan dalam flash, agar pengunjung web tertarik untuk melihatnya.Flash slideshow merupakan salah satu jenis animasi yang acap kali diterapkan dalam website. Biasanya, animasi jenis ini digunakan untuk menampilkan foto-foto. Mungkin bisa, tapi sepertinya sulit jika kita menginginkan flash slideshow tersebut dinamis, artinya bisa berganti dengan sendirinya ketika kita ubah scriptnya, tanpa perlu membongkar isi flash filenya. Kesulitan ini dapat diatasi dengan PHP Flash Slideshow, hasil kreatif dari seorang PHP programmer bernama Adi Setiawan. Seperti apakah cara kerjanya?PHP Flash Slideshow merupakan sebuah class PHP yang menggunakan PHP Ming extension (yang harus terinstall dalam PHP kita, cek dengan phpinfo()) untuk menghasilkan flash animation gaya slideshow. Class ini membutuhkan file .jpg untuk di generate menjadi file flash (.swf). Jadi, ketika kita ingin mengganti tampilan, cukup kita ubah array imagenya, yang pastinya ini bisa kita buat panel pengaturan khusus tanpa perlu remote file (dengan database).File classnya sebagai berikut.
1. 2. /**
3. * PHP Flash Slide Show
4. *
5. * Create simple flash slideshow from sequences of JPEG images
6. * Requirement:
7. * You MUST have PHP with Ming installed as PHP Extension
8. * see and
9. * Ask your web server administrator if you don't know how to install it
10. *
11. * @author Adi Setiawan
12. * @license GNU/GPL
13. * @version 0.2
14. */
17. class flashSlideShow
18. {
19. //initiate needed variables
20. var $movie;
21. var $i;
22. var $width;
23. var $height;
24. var $bgred;
25. var $bggreen;
26. var $bgblue;
27. var $interval;
29. /**
30. * Constructor
31. *
32. * Create new object
33. *
34. * @access public
35. * @param integer $width movie width in pixel
36. * @param integer $height movie height in pixel
37. * @param integer $interval interval in second, between each image
38. * @param string $bgcolor movie background color in hex
39. * @return void
40. */
41. function flashSlideShow($width, $height, $interval = 1, $bgcolor = '#FFFFFF')
42. {
43. $this->width = $width;
44. $this->height = $height;
46. $this->movie = new swfMovie();
47. $this->movie->setDimension($width, $height);
48. $this->movie->setRate(10);
50. $this->setBgColor($bgcolor);
51. $this->setInterval($interval);
52. }
54. /**
55. * Set slideshow interval
56. *
57. * Set slideshow interval between each image. interval in seconds
58. *
59. * @access public
60. * @param integer $interval interval in seconds
61. * @return void
62. */
63. function setInterval($interval)
64. {
65. if (
is_int($interval) AND $interval >= 1) {
66. $this->interval = $interval*10;
67. } else {
68. $this->interval = 10;
69. }
70. }
72. /**
73. * Set background color
74. *
75. * Set background color in hex
76. *
77. * @access public
78. * @param string $bgcolor movie background color in hex
79. * @return void
80. */
81. function setBgColor($bgcolor)
82. {
83. $this->bgred =
84. $this->bggreen =
85. $this->bgblue =
86. }
88. /**
89. * Set background color in RGB Format
90. *
91. * Set background color in RGB Format
92. *
93. * @access public
94. * @param integer $red Red RGB Format Value for background color
95. * @param integer $green Green RGB Format Value for background color
96. * @param integer $blur Blue RGB Format Value for background color
97. * @return void
98. */
99. function setBgColorRGB($red,$green,$blue)
100. {
101. $this->bgred = $red;
102. $this->bggreen = $green;
103. $this->bgblue = $blue;
104. }
106. /**
107. * Add image to slideshow
108. *
109. * Add one JPEG file to flash slideshow
110. *
111. * @access public
112. * @param string $filename JPEG filename
113. * @return void
114. */
115. function addImage($filename)
116. {
117. //$this->movie->add(new SWFBitmap(fopen($filename, "rb")));
119. //create image object
120. $b = new SWFBitmap(
121. $s = new SWFShape();
122. $s->setRightFill($s->addFill($b));
123. $s->drawLine($this->width, 0);
124. $s->drawLine(0, $this->height);
125. $s->drawLine(-$this->width, 0);
126. $s->drawLine(0, -$this->height);
128. //transition white to image
129. $this->i = $this->movie->add($s);
130. $r = 255;
131. for($n=0; $n<=5; ++$n) {
132. //$i->multColor(1.0-$n/10, 1.0, 1.0);
133. //$i->addColor(0xff*$n/20, 0, 0);
134. $this->i->addColor($r-30, $r-30, $r-30);
135. $this->movie->nextFrame();
136. $r = $r - 30;
137. }
139. //static image
140. $this->i = $this->movie->add($s);
141. $this->addInterval();
143. //transition image to white
144. $r = 0;
145. for($n=0; $n<=5; ++$n)
146. {
147. //$i->multColor(1.0-$n/10, 1.0, 1.0);
148. //$i->addColor(0xff*$n/20, 0, 0);
149. $this->i->addColor($r+30, $r+30, $r+30);
150. $this->movie->nextFrame();
151. $r = $r +30;
152. }
153. }
155. /**
156. * Add array of image to slideshow
157. *
158. * Add array of JPEG files to flash slideshow
159. *
160. * @access public
161. * @param array $filename array of JPEG files
162. * @return void
163. */
164. function addImages($filearray)
165. {
166. foreach($filearray as $key => $val) {
167. $this->addImage($val);
168. }
169. }
171. /**
172. * Add interval between each image
173. *
174. * Add interval between each image
175. *
176. * @access private
177. * @return void
178. */
179. function addInterval()
180. {
181. $i = 1;
182. while ($i <= $this->interval) {
183. $this->movie->nextFrame();
184. $i++;
185. }
186. }
188. /**
189. * Save movie
190. *
191. * Save movie
192. *
193. * @access public
194. * @param string $filename name of movie file to saved
195. * @return void
196. */
197. function save($filename)
198. {
199. $this->movie->save($filename);
200. }
202. /**
203. * Output movie
204. *
205. * output movie immediatelly
206. *
207. * @access public
208. * @return void
209. */
210. function output()
211. {
213. $this->movie->output();
214. }
215. }
216. ?>
File tersebut disimpan dengan nama class.flashslideshow.php. Untuk menggunakannya, kita buat file dengan nama terserahanda.php dan disimpan dalam folder yang sama dengan file classnya.

2. //include class file
3. include('class.flashslideshow.php');
5. /*
6. create new object with the following variabel
7. flashSlideShow($width, $height, $interval, $bgcolor)
8. $width, movie width in pixel
9. $height, movie height in pixel
10. $interval, interval in seconds between each images
11. $bgcolor, movie backgground color in hexadecimal value1
2. */
13. $movie = new flashSlideShow(300, 225, 3, '#FFFFFF');
16. /* we add sequences of images in array
17. this array may come from readdir function,database query etc
18. */
19. $myfile = array('image1.jpg','image2.jpg','image3.jpg','image4.jpg','image5.jpg');
20. $movie->addImages($myfile);
22. /*
23. output the flash
24. */
25. $movie->output();
26. ?>

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